The maximum sun angle falls on 21st June at 82.61° and the lowest sun angle falls on 21st December at 19.63°.
It can be observed that the south direction will be critical during the months of April , May and June when the sun angle is high and the temperature levels are on rise.
In the months of December , the low sun angle (19.63°) allows solar ingress from south which would induce heat inside the built -form.
The site is oriented on North - South axis. As there are houses on the north side of the site outside , the site are on north, although it impacts the over shadowing on the site it will not affect the design strategies.
The wind flows from North west direction almost throughout the year. The highest hot wind velocity of 12m/s is recorded from northwest direction in the months of June and October ; the highest cold wind velocity of 12m/s is observed from northwest direction in month of December.The hot wind with average temperature of 35°C flows from northwest and the site is subjected to higher velocity of winds from same direction. The winds are observed to be flowing from northwest during December at 15°C indicating cold wind. It can be infold that the prevalent wind flows for the site are from northwest and southeast most of the year.
The average dry bulb temperature ranges from average low 18°C to average high 38°C. The month of May records the average daily high temperature 38°C and January holds the record of average daily low temperature as 13°C. The months of May and June indicates a spike of average relative humidity from 75 % to 92% indicating the onset of monsoons. The gradual drop of average relative humidity is observed from the month of August to November.
The steady range of average relative humidity is 70% to 80%. During this period ,it can be further observed that average daily relative humidity drops from 60% to 50% in months of October and November.